About us
How our site works
MoneySpider helps make price comparison easy. Our aim is to help find the right product that works best for you and helps save you money. By comparing products, you may find that the product you thought you needed, is actually not the best one for your circumstances.
We do not offer financial advice; we help our users make informed decisions by providing up to date comparisons, helpful guides and handy tips.
Why use MoneySpider?
Leading providers
MoneySpider works with a number of partners who help find the most suitable product for you.
Be informed
Find out more about various products in one place and make an informed decision.
Save time
Save valuable time contacting numerous providers, get quotes instantly and apply online.
Save money
MoneySpider makes price comparison easy and comparing products will save you money.
Financial products from the UK's biggest brands
Some financial products can be quite complex so we have partnered with brokers and trusted partners to support you in making the right decision for you.
Using MoneySpider is hassle free and will save you time as you can find many products from the UK’s leading providers all in one place. With so many providers available to you, you may even find that choosing one you are less familiar with, creates savings without sacrificing any essential features.
Our service is free to our users but we do earn commission from the companies that advertise their products with us.

Data security
The security and safety of your personal information is very important to us and we will only use your data when the law allows us to. For more information, please see our privacy policy.
To get in touch please visit our contact us page.
The benefits of registering an account
By registering an account you can manage all your details in one place, including setting up alerts when policies are due for renewal.
Helpful guides & articles

How travel insurance can save your holiday (and your wallet)
When you’re planning a trip, travel insurance might not be at the forefront of your mind, but it’s one of

Travel insurance tips for families: protecting your loved ones abroad
Travelling with the family can be one of the most rewarding experiences, but it also comes with its own unique

Types of commercial property insurance policies: basic, special form, and more explained
Whether you own an office building, a retail space, a manufacturing facility, or any other type of commercial property, you

The step-by-step mortgage application process
Buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions you’ll ever make. For most people, it involves securing